Oakland County Health Department inspectors found unappetizing things at some Royal Oak restaurants, according to a report in the Detroit News.
Here's a sampling:
Camelias Mexican Grill, 1304 E. 11 Mile: Aug. 3 inspection found flying insects throughout the kitchen, pink mold buildup in the ice machine and food with that had expired expiration dates.
Sake Sushi, 410 S. Main St.: Sept. 15 inspection found roaches, houseflies and small flies around the kitchen and soiled plumbing fixtures and exhaust hood canopy and filters.
The News also includes details about violations at the following:
- The Dessert Oasis, 115 S. Main St.
- Pearl's Deep Dive, 100 S. Main St.
- Boukie's Grill, 105 S. Main St.
- Damatos, 222 Sherman Dr.
- Al's Famous Deli, 32906 N. Woodward Ave.
- Fifth Avenue, 215 W. Fifth St.
To read details click here.